Jul 7, 2016 | Uncategorized
The last 22th of April 2016, BGEO presented the Giswater tool in the university of Extramadura in the context of the II technical Journey of Transfer: University, Public Sector and firms. It represented a planified activity of the official Master in TGI (Technologies...
Jun 30, 2016 | Uncategorized
The event room of Localret held the presentation of the App tha BGEO provides to the city councils to collect and catalogue field datas from any mobile devices. This application combined with the QGIS system permits to manage in a really fast and efficient way any...
Jun 22, 2016 | Uncategorized
The 6 of november 2015 BGEO organized jointly with CATUAV, a firm specialized in the Telecommunication through unmmaned aircraft (drones) a special event about Geographic Information System applied to Drone’s world. Nowadays, the technological revolution...
The impact of the extreme rainfall events from the last few days could be minimize with the help of Giswater. This open-source software, mainly developed by a group of Spanish entrepreneurs, simulates extreme scenarios of storms and allows to detect the points of...