Between Communication and Administration

Between Communication and Administration

Cláudia Rodrigues shares her first working semester of 2020. “Willingness to do a bit of everything, help and be useful in the visibility and growth of the company” – that is the phrase that Cláudia Rodrigues, co-head of the BGEO Communication area and who also...
Coding: the path to better functionalities

Coding: the path to better functionalities

Barbara Rzepka shares her first working semester of 2020. Barbara Rzepka is responsible for the development of the Giswater database including code programming in PL/SQL and giving support to Python developers team. She is also conducting the migration of data between...
Management and coordination are the essence of success

Management and coordination are the essence of success

Josep Lluís Sala shares his first working semester of 2020. Josep Lluís Sala is a technical architect and one of the two founding partners of BGEO. He is currently treasurer of the Giswater Association, member of the Association QGIS Spain and Delegate of the Vallès...
Between Engineering, hydraulic modeling and training

Between Engineering, hydraulic modeling and training

Sergio Muñoz shares his first working semester of 2020. Sergio Muñoz, hydraulic models consultant, has carried out during the first half of 2020 work that has focused on three different areas. First, the development of several engineering projects of different types...
Orchestrating the harmonization and growth of Giswater

Orchestrating the harmonization and growth of Giswater

Albert Bofill shares his first working semester of 2020. Albert Bofill, responsible for the releases, documentation and maintenance of the Giswater versions in production, considers that it has been a very busy first semester. He explains that “Giswater does not...
Python is key to continuous improvement

Python is key to continuous improvement

Néstor Ibáñez shares his first working semester of 2020. Néstor Ibáñez, is part of the Giswater plugin developer team and is responsible for both the Python part and the maintenance of ETL processes. In the first semester he focused on fixing the bugs that appeared,...
BMAPS presented at the 21st Congress of APEVC in Vic

BMAPS presented at the 21st Congress of APEVC in Vic

Coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the APEVC, in the Building of the Sucre of Vic, the 21st Congress of the Associació de Professionals dels Espais Verds de Catalunya (APEVC) was celebrated and took place from the 14th to the 16th of November. In the two days of...
BGEO gets to know the water sector in France

BGEO gets to know the water sector in France

Getting to know the opportunities and having an idea of ​​the state of the French water market were some of the objectives of the session “Opportunities for Public Purchase in France in the Water Sector” organized by ACCIÓ on the 15th of November. Xavier...