BGEO is one of the 6 entities participating in the ReWat project together with ICRA, ABM, Ulbios, Universitat de Girona and Sensotec. This is a project financed by the Innovative Business Groups 2023 and coordinated by the Catalan Water Partnership that aims to define and develop an algorithm for the optimal design of regenerated water in urban environments, which considers other external sources of data such as geographic and cadastral information, construction and operation costs, existing infrastructure, supply and demand or the elevation of the land, among others. The ReWaT algorithm will serve as a decision support tool for administrations and operating entities to plan and quantitatively assess the costs and benefits of network implementation. It will also be a resource to make urban environments more resilient in episodes of drought or restrictions.
BGEO participates in a project that will facilitate the optimal use of regenerated water in urban environments
Jan 16, 2024 | Uncategorized